Friday, September 18, 2009

Fall is coming

The days have begun to cool down and we've had some chilly nights.
Work is going decently. I less stressed this year, far more adjusted and relaxed where I live. Moldova is definitely home now and I've become very close with some of the other volunteers and people in my village.
I've been trying to stay motivated with my work. Apathy is the most challenging thing I continually deal with here when working with others. Otherwise, I'm very happy to be back working with the kids at school. I found out recently that one of my students from last year (5th grade) lost both of her parents last spring and this summer. My partner, Viorica, knew about this, but did not tell me which I don't appreciate. One of her parents died of poisoning while the other died of a freak illness a couple months later. The little girl, Cristina, is a very good student and it's incredibly sad to hear about these situations. The more I get to know students the more I find out have deceased parents. Most of my students' parents work dangerous manual labor jobs in Russia or work as taxi drivers wearing no seat-belts.

1 comment:

JAM said...

Keep up the good fight, Melissa. Miss you back in the States