Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Johanna and her mom

Ludwig's Castle

Before cutting Johanna's hair... We took it seriously. Note the lab coat. Don't know how to rotate this photo... It was a good time. In fact, I did a pretty good job. When I move to Munich I might pay rent by cutting hair.

New Years in the streets of Munich... with Johanna and her sister, Annika. Annika's friend's mother has an art studio where we had dinner and hung out for the night. I want to live there. It was a really cute place. The food was GREAT. They had this French grilling machine that was cool. You grill your sandwiches on it. Lots of good cheese. I'm all about good cheese.

The Alps where we went to see King Ludwig's castle...

New Year ... photos out of order...

I'm back!... in Chisinau. Germany was... amazing. I cried when I got there... and I cried when I left.
Happy New Year to everyone!! I'm very excited about starting this year.
Things to look forward to:
Now: Viorica... because my life is boring and meaningless when we're apart.
June: GLOW camp
August: Raleigh (!!!)... It will be good... but I will probably be more of an emotional wreck reentering the States than I was entering the EU...
Sept/Oct: Johanna plans to visit... her mom might come, too.
Dec/Jan: Germany (Johanna's family said I have to come back... so we'll see what happens. Their family is so great.)
If anyone else is interested in visiting?! Poftim. I would LOVE visiters. If you come next fall you might be able to travel some with Johanna, too... or meet up with me in Germany next year for Christmas if that's what I end up doing...
Will write more about Germany later... Headed to dinner at Las Pegas...


Jdunbar said...

Ahhhh I so want to see you when you come to raleigh in August! But that would be so close to the wedding....Argg. How long are you gonna be there? Maybe I can come for a weekend, get a cheep train ticket, and use a dress fitting as an excuse to come up. I got my house on new years eve by the way!!! Cant wait to talk to you again when things get less crazy. Happy New Year!

Barbara said...

I'm so glad you had a good time. Ludwig's castle was the one I saw after waiting in the rain. Happy New Year.

JAM said...

Glad you had a wonderful time in the EU. When you get back to Raleigh, I'll buy you dinner and take you out on the town as long as you tell me some of your amazing stories [and you can put up with me, haha ;)].

Happy New Year to you as well, and I think I speak for everyone too, but I'm very proud of you for what you're doing. You're an amazing person, always remember that.

Unknown said...

Johanna is lucky to get to see you three times in a year! It really is too bad your break is after So I guess I'll see you in 2011? :(

Stéphanie said...

Hey girls!
Nice to see the both of you! I hope you had a great time!
Melissa, good luck for your situation in Moldovia!