Wednesday, January 28, 2009

***Disclaimer: My feelings and ideas are in no way representative of Peace Corps. I also in no way want my feelings or experiences to represent those of other Peace Corps volunteers, or the opinions or feelings of those working in the country of Moldova.

I had the school director show me the indoor bathroom construction the other day, and I've since spoken with the last volunteer and read through her grant plans.

The bathrooms are missing at least $1000 in construction and the director, before knowing I have a copy of the grant in English, told me the construction is basically finished; We're just waiting on the water source to start working again / have whatever the heck is broken, fixed. I still can't get a clear answer from ANYONE as to what happened with the water.

Our school director, before the last volunteer's bathroom project was approved, promised and assured Peace Corps that we had a sustainable water source. Nothing would happen that would prevent the bathrooms from not being functional or able to be maintained by the school. The two rooms for the bathrooms were actually constructed around 1976. The reason the indoor bathrooms were never finished was because the school at that point was said to have not had a reliable water source. The only reason the project was approved in 2008 was because the water was promised to be flowing indefinitely.

So, the situation is that the bathrooms are missing hand dryers, a sink, hot water heater, bathroom stalls and doors, a mural on the wall, other construction around the toilet holes, and it was promised to be done by August of last summer. Money is unaccounted for and the past volunteer told me that the school director has "f-ed her over".
Also, the bathrooms were intended for boys, girls, and teachers. There were 2 bathrooms constructed and 1 was for the boys, 1 the girls. Though since then I've been told by professors and school nurses (Viorica included) that they will both only be for the females because using the bathroom outside in the cold is bad for the girls' reproductive organs. Though boys, the cold air can't affect their genitals or ability to reproduce.

Anyway, I'm very, very angry and can't imagine how our other volunteer is feeling right now. She called my cell phone yesterday after reading one of my messages. (Note: She's currently living in NY). It's not the most comfortable situation as I have to tell him and others in the school I can't help with any more projects until what was started is completely, COMPLETELY finished. So everyone will find out what happened if the money can't be found.

One of my close friends here is currently facing a sort-of similar problem, though possibly less personal. She has found out that the doctor she works with at her medical center is selling, at their village's outdoor market, hospital supplies that the medical center is given for free from the villages larger raion center.
The corruption that I have seen going on in my village, in my friends' villages, is disheartening.


JAM said...

That's insane, Melissa. It's sad that most of the world acts like that, that greed is greater than good, and the needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many or few.

Back here, we had 6" of snow here in Raleigh on Inauguration Day (Jan 20). The economy woes are still present, though I still believe. Kay Yow passed away this past Saturday, and I actually got back from the first women's bball game since. It's people like you and her which still give me hope in humanity.

Keep fighting the good fight, love. I miss you. Stay safe and warm.

nb said...

Nothing wrong with some anger as long as you use it in a constructive manner and don't end up in jail for hurting the school director. I'm not entirely sure what I would do in that situation.

Oi, drink some brew, read, and relax.